Monkey Wrenches

Last modified: 010627
Here are some pictures of monkey wrenches I've known.....
(If someone has any others I'll gladly include them here if you send them to me or tell me where to get them.)
A nice all steel wrench.
I modeled this in 3D on HP's ME30 Solid Modeling software. This was done a number of years ago as a learning exercise.
A larger version of the same wrench.
I modeled this as close as possible to an actual wrench I own.
Detail of the same wrench.
ME30 is cool software but it has limitations. One is not being able to do complex surfaces like a helix. HP's newest 3D software, "Solid Designer " could do this wrench perfectly. Maybe later...
The actual wrench used for the above models.
This is the classic Monkey Wrench. All steel and practically indestructable.
Wrench image from Abbey's Web.
C. Dream Garden Press
Another wrench gif found on "The Web".
I'm told this is the EF logo.
A cool wrench from Matt Langer's (obsolete) Abbey site.
Poor man's monkey wrench.
OK, I guess it's not a real monkey wrench, but I think this nicely formed length of 5/8 inch rebar could sure slow things down if dropped into " the works"! I found this the other day while standing around outside during a fire drill at work. It's also very usefull for reaching thru the crowd standing around the donut table on Wednesday mornings and snatching one of those donuts with sprinkle colors not found in nature!
It's too bad that most of the unfortunate southpaws have to use a Monkey Wrench which was designed for right handed people (or for only TIGHTENING nuts and bolts). But there IS a better way!
A even more rare METRIC LEFT HANDED monkeywrench.
I can honestly say that this is the only one of these I have ever seen!
Thanks to G. Givens ("Da Giv") ( for this specimen.
A 6 inch Girard wrench.
Thanks to "Da Giv" for this one also.
A 5 inch Sterling bike wrench.
"Da Giv" sent this one too.
Just what IS a monkey wrench??
I tend to take the rigid definition. An adjustable wrench whose "end" or "top" jaw half is integral with the handle and the "inner" or "lower" jaw half moves along the "handle" section. I would go even further to state that the jaws are straight and perpendicular to the "handle". It is a very simple design.
Not that other wrench designs couldn't screw up "the works" just as well when "thrown in" or be just as effective (or more) at loosening critical nuts/bolts.

Here is some info I've collected on
The History of the Monkey Wrench.

Here are some shots of
"Honorary Monkey Wrenches".
Brian Berkes' 46 inch aluminum wrench.
Brian repairs large earth moving equipment. So he and Hayduke both have an interest in them breaking down. Cool! That's Brian's little girl Katie holding the big torquer.

I'll keep looking for more. Stay tuned.

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